


Our services provided include but are not limited to those listed on this page. We strive to provide a turn-key solution to the aviation industry as a whole.

When considering the services listed on the website, you have a gaurantee that our services are in line with the top order of quality,efficency and affordabilty.

We have been specilising in aviation services for a decade, we strive for quality. New and better services are being added to our portfolio every day, while existing services are continually vetted and audited to improve quality and performance.

Flight Support

We offer a full on flight support serice, anything that is required for an ad-hoc trip from fuel arrangement to concierge service we are able to assist.

Flight support includes but is not limited to:

  • Aircraft fuel
  • Overflight and landing permits
  • Concierge
  • Airport handling
  • Ground support
  • Logistics support
  • Cargo hanlding
  • Cargo clearance and processing

Aircraft Management

Currently we have contract on numerous aircraft under our management. When considering aircraft management, it is a turnkey solution for the owner of the aircraft. The owner need not employ one sinlge employee for the administration of his aircraft, our model is to keep all logistics and administration on our side with the owner merely receiving one monthly invoice for costs and services rendered.

Management includes but is not limited to the following functions:

  • Aircraft scheduling
  • Pilot procurement and training.
  • Hangarage
  • Maintenance tracking & planning
  • Part procurement
  • Charter operations
  • In flight catering
  • Trip management
  • Concierge

Software & Systems

We specialise in devleoping, evolutionary systems for our customer on a individual basis ensuring that the software if proprietary and catered to the specific needs of the client.

Aircraft Charter

Elite Jet is our proprietory charter division, from charters on smaller aircraft to large business jets and even large groups more suited to airliners, Elite Jet is able to cater for vast amount of applications.


We maintain fuel accounts globally with some of the most reputable suppliers in the industry resulting in indusry leading prices, 24 hour availability and world leading service delivery. Southern African fuel is our speciality, in this geographical area we excel due to estalished relationships with suppliers that we have managed to broker deals with.


Our concierge service has come a long way with us, it all started out as a support to our own operation and then quickly evolved into a stand alone division of the organisation. Acquiring vasts amounts of information and arrangements with providers, not only is it quicky, easy and efficient for the cllient but also and autonomous excerise to integrate into our other services.

Who We Serve

We are commited to serving the aviation industry as a whole, we pride ourselves in providing services to the entire spectrum of opertors from military to charter brokers.